The New York launch for Wake Up and Smell the Shit: Hilarious Travel Disasters, Monstrous Toilets and a Demon Dildo is on Saturday November 21, 2015, at 6:00 PM at People Kitchen and Lounge (163 Allen St., 2nd floor). The event is free but there are cocktails and food for sale from an exciting menu and of course autographed books (cash sales for books only), so you can put some signed shit in a loved one’s Christmas stocking. (I’ve been just itching for a chance to say “put some shit in a loved one’s stocking.”)
The editor and contributors will be entertaining you with their shockers and sexy times abroad: (read more…)

Stand back! The 31 tales in this raunchy round-the-world romp might get you dirty. (read more…)

Wake Up and Smell the Shit: Hilarious Travel Disasters, Monstrous Toilets, and a Demon Dildo, published by Travelers’ Tales (USA) and edited by Kirsten Koza: the best price for a new paperback is at the publisher’s bookshop, and it is always available as an ebook on Amazon, and on Kobo, and also at Barnes & Noble, Amazon Canada, ibooks, at fine independent bookstores, and in libraries.
You can read the first five chapters for free on Google Play.
Stand back! The 31 tales in this raunchy round-the-world romp might get you dirty.
We’ve all had unspeakable experiences while traveling that we’re ashamed to admit, but these often become our best stories in the retelling. The writers in this collection cast inhibition aside and reveal their weirdest and worst moments and how they made the best of them. And memorable moments in exotic destinations come in all shapes and sizes: insects as big as Pam Anderson’s left tit, regrettable sex, stink-eyed officials, horrible healers, Lady Gaga’s shoes and Madonna’s special meal, trigger-happy militants, and peeping Tom rock stars.
Adventure vicariously as:
- Spud Hilton (not Monty Python) finds the Holy Grail by accident in Spain.
- Meghan Ward squats, and then the toilet grunts back, in Goa.
- Kasha Rigby proved how tough she is on National Geographic’s Ultimate Survival Alaska, but is she a match for a 90-year-old bone breaker in Guatemala?
- Namibians stereotype Chinese men as Bruce Lee—Gerald Yeung wonders if attacking baboons will do the same.
- Keph Senett (hoping not to follow in the footsteps of Pussy Riot) braves bombs, police and a Soviet-era sofa bed to play soccer at the LGBT games in Putin’s Russia.
- Jabba-the-Turd versus Shannon Bradford in an epic showdown in Argentina.
And many more…
Check out contributor trip photos and join the fun on our Facebook page.
Don’t Push the Button!
Kyrgyzstan and Canada
Kap’n Cy
You Go in the Morning, I Go at Night
Caribbean Sea

CBC (Radio Canada International) says Lost in Moscow is “the ultimate what-I-did-last-summer essay ever.”
CHRY (radio, Toronto): “Kirsten Koza is like Judy Blume on acid.”
Uptown magazine: “Koza, who has a degree in theatre, knows how to tell a story.”
In the Hills magazine: “Lost in Moscow is a funny and fascinating look at the Western World’s bogeyman of the day—communism—through the fresh eyes of a child.”

From Travelers’ Tales comes The Best Women’s Travel Writing Volume 9: True Stories from Around the World—the newest collection in the annual best-selling, award-winning series that invites you to ride shotgun alongside intrepid female nomads as they travel the globe to discover new places, people, and facets of themselves. The stories are as diverse as the destinations, the common thread being fresh, compelling storytelling that will make you laugh, weep, wish you were there, or be glad you weren’t. The Best Women’s Travel Writing speaks to the reasons why we embark on a journey, and why we keep doing it.
In The Best Women’s Travel Writing, Volume 9: True Stories from Around the World, you’ll:
• Tangle with snakes and alligators in Bangladesh • Chase tornadoes with Chinese celebrities • Dodge fireballs while half-naked in Ecuador • Get stuck in the mud by the Ganges in India • Hunt frogs in a Louisiana bayou • Get cheerfully deported from South Africa • Be transformed by a Mexican revolution • Survive close encounters with rhinos in Namibia • Experience life under niqab in Egypt • Find love in a tree house in Laos
… and much, much more.